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Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro | |
Fun + Simple Projects | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Robust Curriculum Options with Lesson Plans | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Printable Activity Sheets | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Teaching Videos | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Step-by-Step Instructions | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Spanish Translations | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
10% Discount on art supplies | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Themed Lesson Bundles | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Core Elementary Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
International Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Trauma Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Special Needs Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Extra Love Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Preschool Curriculum | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Artist Detectives Camp | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Additional Resources for Each Lesson | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Age Adjustments + Exploratory Routes for hard to reach students | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Bulk Discounts on art supplies | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
Pricing | Art Feeds Makes | Art Feeds Pro |
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Annually, we select recipients for our Art Feeds Community Assist program who receive curriculum, training and supplies free of cost. Join our newsletter to know when the application opens.